Last Update: 20/02/2024
Estimated Value: ¢ 39,682
Risk Flags: Low Competition Disqualification - 1 დისკვალიფიცირება Advance payment
Tender Status: ხელშეკრულება დადებულია
Tender procedure: NAT - ელექტრონული ტენდერი აუქციონის გარეშე
Tender Announcement Date: 06.02.2024
Bid Start Date 16.02.2024
Bid End Date: 19.02.2024
Tender Duration: 13 days
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code): Computer equipment and supplies (30200000)
Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code):

30233132 - Hard-disk drives

30234600 - Flash memory

30237410 - Computer mouse

30237460 - Computer keyboards

30213300 - Desktop computer

30231300 - Display screens

30213100 - Portable computers

30237280 - Power supply accessories

30232100 - Printers and plotters

30237200 - Computer accessories

30237240 - Web camera


Name First Bid Last Bid
Pisishop.ji ¢ 38,356 ¢ 38,356
LTD Adelaini ¢ 37,739 ¢ 37,739

Bidding Result

Organization: Pisishop.ji
Contract Type: Agreement
Start Date: 14.03.2024
Expire Date: 31.05.2024
Contract Value: ¢ 38,356
Documantation: Download