Procuring Entity:
Gurjaanis Skolamdeli Saaghmzrdelo Datsesebulebebis Gaertianeba
Estimated Value:
¢ 5,953
Risk Flags:
Low Competition
Tender Status: | ხელშეკრულება დადებულია |
Tender procedure: | SPA - გამარტივებული ელექტრონული ტენდერი რევერსული აუქციონით |
Tender Announcement Date: | 24.12.2014 |
Bid Start Date | 26.12.2014 |
Bid End Date: | 30.12.2014 |
Tender Duration: | 6 days |
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code): | Animal or vegetable oils and fats (15400000) |
Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code): |
15400000 - Animal or vegetable oils and fats 15421000 - Refined oils |
Name | First Bid | Last Bid |
Ketevan Bragvadze | ¢ 5,953 | ¢ 5,953 |
Bidding Result
Organization: | Ketevan Bragvadze |
Contract Type: | Agreement |
Start Date: | 06.01.2015 |
Expire Date: | 31.01.2016 |
Contract Value: | ¢ 5,953 |
Documantation: | Download |