Last Update: 20/02/2024
Procuring Entity: Agroservis Tsentri
Estimated Value: ¢ 90,524
Risk Flags: High price dynamic
Tender Status: ხელშეკრულება დადებულია
Tender procedure: SPA - გამარტივებული ელექტრონული ტენდერი რევერსული აუქციონით
Tender Announcement Date: 02.03.2017
Bid Start Date 09.03.2017
Bid End Date: 13.03.2017
Tender Duration: 11 days
Procuring Main Subject (CPV Code): Structural products (44200000)
Specific subject of procurement (CPV Code):

44212300 - Structures and parts


Name First Bid Last Bid
LTD "poladkonstruktsia" ¢ 88,000 ¢ 88,000
Zurab Meskhi ¢ 84,990 ¢ 84,990
LTD Avangardi ¢ 87,777 ¢ 84,444
Romani Sulamanidze-argusi ¢ 82,500 ¢ 82,500
LTD Algo 2000 ¢ 87,500 ¢ 79,997
LTD Lasha ¢ 84,000 ¢ 72,000
Gela Demetradze ¢ 87,500 ¢ 69,880
LTD Guda-1979 ¢ 69,890 ¢ 67,980
LTD Sole Proprietorpeksi ¢ 74,400 ¢ 66,000
Malkhazi Maghradze ¢ 75,000 ¢ 65,999
LTD Mardi ¢ 64,700 ¢ 64,700

Bidding Result

Organization: LTD Mardi
Contract Type: Agreement
Start Date: 23.03.2017
Expire Date: 30.06.2017
Contract Value: ¢ 64,700
Documantation: Download