Godognis Sajaro Skola
class="gსატენდერო მონიტორი საზოგადოებისთვის ქმნის საქართველოში სამთავრობო დანახარჯების შესახებ წარმოდგენის შექმნის შესაძლებლობას, რისთვისაც ახდენს სახელმწიფო შესყიდვების დეტალური ინფორმაციის შემუშავებას. სატენდეროeneral-button-blue" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#donationsCollapseWrapper" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"> პოლიტიკური შემოწირულობების ნახვა
შემდგარი ტენდერების საერთო სავარაუდო ღირებულება : | ¢ 152,385 |
შემდგარი ტენდერების საერთო ფაქტობრივი ღირებულება : | ¢ 126,449 |
დანაზოგი: | 17.02 % |
მონაწილეთა საშუალო რაოდენობა შემდგარ ტენდერებში | 3.25 |
Average length of tender : | 10.67 days |
342 Simplified Procurement | |
Total Value Of Contracts : | ¢ 229,888.87 |
7 კონსოლიდირებული შესყიდვა | |
Total Value Of Contracts : | ¢ 1,997.50 |

Tender | Status | Supplier | Announcment Date | ვალუტა | Estimated Value | ვალუტა | Contract Value | შესყიდვის საგანი | Risk Indicator |
NAT240000414 | Won | LTD Karkasi XXI | 11.01.2024 | ¢ | 54,469 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | დაბალი კონკურენცია გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა ავანსის გაცემა | |
NAT230011039 | Won | Individualuri Metsarme Vasili Getiashvili | 23.05.2023 | ¢ | 7,410 | ¢ | 45300000 - Building installation work | მაღალი ფასთაკლება დაბალი კონკურენცია | |
NAT220021134 | Won | Pirani Qipshidze | 17.10.2022 | ¢ | 72,266 | ¢ | 65,371 | 45300000 - Building installation work | გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა ავანსის გაცემა |
SPA180005130 | Won | LTD Arje | 31.05.2018 | ¢ | 37,772 | ¢ | 27,955 | 45400000 - Building completion work | მაღალი ფასთაკლება გამოცდილების მოთხოვნა |
SPA170006367 | Won | LTD Sando Pliusi | 02.05.2017 | ¢ | 32,354 | ¢ | 23,999 | 45300000 - Building installation work | მაღალი ფასთაკლება ახალი დაფუძნებული კომპანია ახალი რეგისტრირებული მიმწოდებელი |
SPA150006175 | Won | LTD Mvm | 24.02.2015 | ¢ | 9,993 | ¢ | 9,124 | 45300000 - Building installation work | ახალი დაფუძნებული კომპანია ახალი რეგისტრირებული მიმწოდებელი დაბალი კონკურენცია |
Simplified Procurements

CMR Code | Supplier | Contract Date | ვალუტა | Contract Value | შესყიდვის საგანი |
CMR240125277 | Sole Proprietor Natia Gamrekelashvili | 11.09.2024 | ¢ | 1,600 | - |
CMR240118787 | LTD Maipisi | 06.09.2024 | ¢ | 450 | - |
CMR240118783 | LTD Maipisi | 06.09.2024 | ¢ | 465.30 | - |
CMR240118778 | Kakhaber Zakarashvili | 09.09.2024 | ¢ | 16,000 | - |
CMR240118151 | LTD Chveni Skola | 30.08.2024 | ¢ | 50 | - |
CMR240116934 | Iakob Chighladze | 30.07.2024 | ¢ | 300 | - |
CMR240116932 | Saba Odikadze | 04.09.2024 | ¢ | 1,800 | - |
CMR240086372 | Pinansta Saministros Akademia | 28.05.2024 | ¢ | 120 | - |
CMR240072542 | Mirza Kasrashvili | 21.05.2024 | ¢ | 421 | - |
CMR240072746 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 30.04.2024 | ¢ | 80 | - |
CMR240051940 | LTD Tqupebi | 26.03.2024 | ¢ | 277 | - |
CMR240045894 | Sole Proprietor Natia Gamrekelashvili | 11.03.2024 | ¢ | 460 | - |
CMR240045552 | Tamari Qinchiqidze | 11.03.2024 | ¢ | 150 | - |
CMR230113880 | LTD Mega Houlding | 04.09.2023 | ¢ | 100.90 | - |
CMR230103482 | LTD Mega Houlding | 25.07.2023 | ¢ | 70 | - |
CMR230094850 | Natela Khijakadze | 10.07.2023 | ¢ | 150 | - |
CMR230091481 | LTD Sole Proprietoreretis Sakhandzro Datsva | 30.06.2023 | ¢ | 110 | - |
CMR230089869 | Individualuri Metsarme Giga Kochiashvili | 23.06.2023 | ¢ | 1,363.70 | - |
CMR230041990 | Lia Mamatsashvili | 02.03.2023 | ¢ | 300 | - |
CMR230038632 | LTD Maipisi | 27.02.2023 | ¢ | 158 | - |
CMR230035466 | LTD Mega Houlding | 15.02.2023 | ¢ | 89.70 | - |
CMR230035465 | LTD Mega Houlding | 14.02.2023 | ¢ | 159.90 | - |
CMR230035464 | Pinansta Saministros Akademia | 11.02.2023 | ¢ | 300 | - |
CMR220086337 | LTD Sole Proprietoreretis Sakhandzro Datsva | 22.06.2022 | ¢ | 110 | 50400000 - Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment |
CMR220082181 | Tengiz Naveriani | 16.06.2022 | ¢ | 4,900 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR220080774 | Jumberi Gvelesiani | 13.06.2022 | ¢ | 550 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR220074705 | LTD Tqupebi | 31.05.2022 | ¢ | 117.60 | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items |
CMR220074696 | Natela Khijakadze | 31.05.2022 | ¢ | 140 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR220073472 | Natela Khijakadze | 30.05.2022 | ¢ | 300 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR220065355 | LTD Bami Servisi | 29.04.2022 | ¢ | 416 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR220060155 | LTD Etaloni-ganatleba | 01.01.2022 | ¢ | 216 | 92400000 - News-agency services |
CMR220050227 | Erovnuli Satqeo Saagento | 28.03.2022 | ¢ | 876 | 03400000 - Forestry and logging products |
CMR220044663 | Tamaz Abuladze | 16.03.2022 | ¢ | 280 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR220036806 | LTD Tqupebi | 23.02.2022 | ¢ | 362.20 | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items |
CMR220036257 | Akvageo | 28.01.2022 | ¢ | 200 | - |
CMR220014863 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 17.01.2022 | ¢ | 88 | - |
CMR210147431 | Oazisi | 20.12.2021 | ¢ | 445.20 | - |
CMR210145193 | LTD DaSole Proprietoreri | 16.12.2021 | ¢ | 65.70 | - |
CMR210145186 | Lia Mamatsashvili | 16.12.2021 | ¢ | 280 | - |
CMR210128228 | Omari Sirbiladze | 14.11.2021 | ¢ | 300 | - |
CMR210122393 | LTD Tqupebi | 01.11.2021 | ¢ | 181.75 | - |
CMR210115718 | Aleksandre Odikadze | 11.10.2021 | ¢ | 500 | - |
CMR210109855 | Akvageo | 29.09.2021 | ¢ | 200 | - |
CMR210101000 | LTD Mega Houlding | 29.08.2021 | ¢ | 114.20 | - |
CMR210096834 | Lia Mamatsashvili | 27.07.2021 | ¢ | 280 | - |
CMR210085012 | Lia Mamatsashvili | 02.07.2021 | ¢ | 280 | - |
CMR210081658 | LTD Tqupebi | 25.06.2021 | ¢ | 203 | - |
CMR210064440 | LTD Tqupebi | 14.05.2021 | ¢ | 510.10 | - |
CMR210053591 | Akvageo | 08.04.2021 | ¢ | 200 | - |
CMR210051490 | LTD Unikomi | 03.04.2021 | ¢ | 1,532 | - |
CMR210042777 | Olegi Chachanidze | 05.03.2021 | ¢ | 280 | - |
CMR210037326 | LTD Mastsavlebelta Sakonsultatsio Tsentri | 25.02.2021 | ¢ | 70 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR210031796 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 15.02.2021 | ¢ | 80 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR210029222 | LTD Tqupebi | 07.02.2021 | ¢ | 1,099.90 | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products |
CMR210027002 | Jumberi Gvelesiani | 01.02.2021 | ¢ | 2,175 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR200148489 | Tamaz Abuladze | 16.12.2020 | ¢ | 140 | - |
CMR200133857 | Pinansta Saministros Akademia | 29.10.2020 | ¢ | 130 | - |
CMR200124678 | LTD Tqupebi | 12.10.2020 | ¢ | 1,306.30 | - |
CMR200123473 | Akvageo | 13.10.2020 | ¢ | 216 | - |
CMR200123432 | Ana Magrakvelidze | 12.10.2020 | ¢ | 140 | - |
CMR200119591 | LTD Niuluker | 02.10.2020 | ¢ | 1,991 | - |
CMR200114826 | LTD Dadu | 21.09.2020 | ¢ | 510 | - |
CMR200108627 | LTD Edesi Jgupi | 06.09.2020 | ¢ | 507.25 | - |
CMR200108142 | Akvageo | 10.09.2020 | ¢ | 216 | - |
CMR200105002 | LTD Unikomi | 18.08.2020 | ¢ | 1,026 | - |
CMR200081780 | Erovnuli Satqeo Saagento | 23.06.2020 | ¢ | 1,417.50 | - |
CMR200077591 | Nana Tsutskiridze | 16.06.2020 | ¢ | 200 | - |
CMR200077601 | LTD Sole Proprietoreretis Sakhandzro Datsva | 10.06.2020 | ¢ | 110 | - |
CMR200071806 | LTD Tqupebi | 28.05.2020 | ¢ | 692.10 | - |
CMR200055401 | Erovnuli Satqeo Saagento | 10.03.2020 | ¢ | 255 | - |
CMR200050258 | Natela Khijakadze | 05.03.2020 | ¢ | 140 | - |
CMR200049962 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 05.03.2020 | ¢ | 200 | - |
CMR200038600 | Gl Grupi | 10.02.2020 | ¢ | 212.20 | - |
CMR200036491 | LTD Unikomi | 04.02.2020 | ¢ | 3,697 | - |
CMR200036482 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 05.02.2020 | ¢ | 80 | - |
CMR200026272 | Omari Sirbiladze | 20.01.2020 | ¢ | 120 | - |
CMR200018586 | Natela Khijakadze | 20.01.2020 | ¢ | 280 | - |
CMR200009592 | LTD Etaloni-ganatleba | 03.01.2020 | ¢ | 216 | - |
CMR190203175 | LTD Ekolain Enerji | 22.10.2019 | ¢ | 1,925 | - |
CMR190203122 | Gl Grupi | 24.12.2019 | ¢ | 50 | - |
CMR190203106 | LTD Tqupebi | 20.12.2019 | ¢ | 414 | - |
CMR190185765 | Omari Sirbiladze | 25.11.2019 | ¢ | 700 | - |
CMR190183844 | Soso Devidze | 25.11.2019 | ¢ | 585 | - |
CMR190149894 | Ana Magrakvelidze | 20.09.2019 | ¢ | 280 | - |
CMR190148211 | LTD Edesi Jgupi | 09.09.2019 | ¢ | 554.26 | - |
CMR190141091 | LTD Tqupebi | 19.08.2019 | ¢ | 476.10 | - |
CMR190140377 | LTD Dadu | 13.08.2019 | ¢ | 250 | - |
CMR190127604 | Ana Magrakvelidze | 04.07.2019 | ¢ | 280 | - |
CMR190120380 | LTD Tqupebi | 30.06.2019 | ¢ | 330.05 | - |
CMR190108242 | LTD Sole Proprietoreretis Sakhandzro Datsva | 04.06.2019 | ¢ | 238 | - |
CMR190082728 | LTD "orgservisi" | 15.04.2019 | ¢ | 434.80 | - |
CMR190077130 | Sheiaraghebuli Dzalebis Mkhardacheristvis | 26.03.2019 | ¢ | 25 | - |
CMR190070824 | Lia Mamatsashvili | 27.03.2019 | ¢ | 140 | - |
CMR190070135 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 04.02.2019 | ¢ | 76 | - |
CMR190059268 | LTD Tqupebi | 01.03.2019 | ¢ | 308.90 | 39200000 - Furnishing |
CMR190056432 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 21.02.2019 | ¢ | 25 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR190047733 | Nana Tsutskiridze | 12.02.2019 | ¢ | 140 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR190005498 | LTD Etaloni-ganatleba | 03.01.2019 | ¢ | 216 | 92400000 - News-agency services |
CMR190005475 | LTD Ganatlebis Administrirebis Jgupi | 03.01.2019 | ¢ | 1,200 | 75100000 - Administration services |
CMR190005505 | LTD GT Group | 24.12.2018 | ¢ | 175 | 24300000 - Basic inorganic and organic chemicals |
CMR190005506 | LTD Biolabi | 24.12.2018 | ¢ | 175 | 24300000 - Basic inorganic and organic chemicals |
CMR180221884 | Gl Grupi | 24.12.2018 | ¢ | 242.50 | 39200000 - Furnishing |
CMR180221873 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 22.12.2018 | ¢ | 25 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR180221868 | LTD Tqupebi | 19.12.2018 | ¢ | 198.20 | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products |
CMR180221844 | Nana Tsutskiridze | 18.12.2018 | ¢ | 140 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR180221841 | Oazisi | 07.12.2018 | ¢ | 117 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR180202542 | Avidina Kharshiladze | 30.11.2018 | ¢ | 222 | 39500000 - Textile articles |
CMR180202541 | Aleko Chichinadze | 25.11.2018 | ¢ | 60 | 60100000 - Road transport services |
CMR180202540 | Bondo Jikia | 17.11.2018 | ¢ | 243 | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items |
CMR180184354 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 30.10.2018 | ¢ | 25 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR180184258 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 28.10.2018 | ¢ | 411.50 | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products |
CMR180165533 | Lia Mamatsashvili | 01.10.2018 | ¢ | 140 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR180159212 | LTD Mali | 15.09.2018 | ¢ | 250 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR180159187 | LTD Opis Servisi | 11.09.2018 | ¢ | 4,370 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR180165222 | LTD Etaloni-ganatleba | 11.09.2018 | ¢ | 72 | 92400000 - News-agency services |
CMR180152197 | LTD Maipisi | 25.08.2018 | ¢ | 300.40 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR180152370 | Qurashvili Iuri | 27.08.2018 | ¢ | 136.50 | 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps |
CMR180152369 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 27.08.2018 | ¢ | 80.50 | 39200000 - Furnishing |
CMR180131598 | Lia Mamatsashvili | 10.07.2018 | ¢ | 140 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR180119060 | Audit-servis-tsentri | 14.06.2018 | ¢ | 400 | 79200000 - Accounting, auditing and fiscal services |
CMR180119061 | Qurashvili Iuri | 12.06.2018 | ¢ | 39.60 | 42100000 - Machinery for the production and use of mechanical power |
CMR180119059 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 12.06.2018 | ¢ | 129.20 | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products |
CMR180119063 | LTD Taipuni | 24.05.2018 | ¢ | 260 | 32300000 - Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus |
CMR180103711 | Nikolozi Jangavadze | 14.05.2018 | ¢ | 287.50 | 79900000 - Miscellaneous business and business-related services |
CMR180102576 | Vazha Okropirashvili | 09.05.2018 | ¢ | 1,500 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR180093996 | Levan Samkharaulis Sakhelobis Sasamartlo Ekspertizis Erovnuli Biuro | 25.04.2018 | ¢ | 500 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR180093964 | Oazisi | 24.04.2018 | ¢ | 100 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR180091689 | Erovnuli Satqeo Saagento | 18.04.2018 | ¢ | 1,440 | 03400000 - Forestry and logging products |
CMR180082487 | Lana Magrakvelidze | 05.04.2018 | ¢ | 140 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR180079032 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 23.03.2018 | ¢ | 160.50 | 39200000 - Furnishing |
CMR180071456 | LTD Maipisi | 12.03.2018 | ¢ | 128 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR180071451 | LTD "orgservisi" | 05.03.2018 | ¢ | 272.35 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR180071439 | LTD "sakartvelos Posta" | 20.01.2018 | ¢ | 150 | 64100000 - Post and courier services |
CMR180011082 | Oazisi | 12.01.2018 | ¢ | 88 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR180011079 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 08.01.2018 | ¢ | 76 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR180011075 | LTD Saganmanatleblo Sakonsultatsio Jgupi | 03.01.2018 | ¢ | 1,200 | 75100000 - Administration services |
CMR170219335 | Ana Magrakvelidze | 21.12.2017 | ¢ | 140 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR170209063 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 01.12.2017 | ¢ | 25 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR170205827 | LTD Oazisi+2013 | 10.12.2017 | ¢ | 55 | 31700000 - Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies |
CMR170205826 | LTD "sakartvelos Posta" | 01.12.2017 | ¢ | 100 | 64100000 - Post and courier services |
CMR170205828 | Etaloni-media | 01.12.2017 | ¢ | 18 | 92400000 - News-agency services |
CMR170205829 | LTD Sole Proprietoreretis Sakhandzro Datsva | 01.12.2017 | ¢ | 100 | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment |
CMR170205825 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 27.11.2017 | ¢ | 250.80 | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products |
CMR170205824 | Qurashvili Iuri | 27.11.2017 | ¢ | 126.50 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR170194622 | Oazisi | 21.11.2017 | ¢ | 128 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR170191544 | Bondo Jikia | 13.11.2017 | ¢ | 290 | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items |
CMR170189590 | Gocha Paksashvili | 01.11.2017 | ¢ | 1,820 | 77200000 - Forestry services |
CMR170179747 | LTD Unikomi | 28.10.2017 | ¢ | 808 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR170179739 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 23.10.2017 | ¢ | 25 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR170172237 | LTD "orgservisi" | 05.10.2017 | ¢ | 110 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR170172232 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 02.10.2017 | ¢ | 239.30 | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products |
CMR170168303 | Qurashvili Iuri | 03.10.2017 | ¢ | 225.35 | 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps |
CMR170156971 | LTD Opis Servisi | 06.09.2017 | ¢ | 2,236 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR170157185 | LTD Unikomi | 06.09.2017 | ¢ | 140 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR170157004 | LTD Maipisi | 14.09.2017 | ¢ | 213.25 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR170154541 | Oazisi | 01.09.2017 | ¢ | 104.50 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR170154536 | LTD Chveni Skola | 22.08.2017 | ¢ | 232.80 | 22800000 - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery |
CMR170154517 | LTD Sole Proprietoreretis Sakhandzro Datsva | 08.06.2017 | ¢ | 60 | 50600000 - Repair and maintenance services of security and defence materials |
CMR170135611 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 18.07.2017 | ¢ | 107.10 | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products |
CMR170131219 | LTD Maipisi | 03.07.2017 | ¢ | 176.20 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR170119157 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 09.06.2017 | ¢ | 25 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR170119139 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 29.05.2017 | ¢ | 25 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR170104961 | LTD Unikomi | 12.05.2017 | ¢ | 953 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR170113175 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 11.05.2017 | ¢ | 62.50 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR170104926 | Oazisi | 10.05.2017 | ¢ | 51.50 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR170113178 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 25.04.2017 | ¢ | 25 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR170087080 | Stepane Alkhazashvili | 12.04.2017 | ¢ | 68.90 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR170087076 | Qurashvili Iuri | 12.04.2017 | ¢ | 124.60 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR170087072 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 12.04.2017 | ¢ | 82.50 | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products |
CMR170087068 | Ana Magrakvelidze | 04.04.2017 | ¢ | 140 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR170076476 | Nana Kikacheishvili | 29.03.2017 | ¢ | 219 | 42100000 - Machinery for the production and use of mechanical power |
CMR170076471 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 04.01.2017 | ¢ | 68 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR170058528 | LTD Saganmanatleblo Sakonsultatsio Jgupi | 13.02.2017 | ¢ | 1,200 | 75100000 - Administration services |
CMR170058522 | Bachuki Chichinadze | 13.02.2017 | ¢ | 560 | 60100000 - Road transport services |
CMR170058552 | Qurashvili Iuri | 06.02.2017 | ¢ | 63.60 | 31700000 - Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies |
CMR170058517 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 06.02.2017 | ¢ | 154.70 | 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products |
CMR170058514 | Bachuki Chichinadze | 01.02.2017 | ¢ | 280 | 60100000 - Road transport services |
CMR170032000 | LTD Kavkasiis Saertashoriso Universiteti | 15.01.2017 | ¢ | 115 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR170022499 | Bachuki Chichinadze | 14.01.2017 | ¢ | 385 | 60100000 - Road transport services |
CMR170022497 | LTD Maipisi | 10.01.2017 | ¢ | 259 | 39200000 - Furnishing |
CMR170022480 | LTD Unikomi | 21.12.2016 | ¢ | 1,871 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR160206930 | Qurashvili Iuri | 06.12.2016 | ¢ | 70.80 | 31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps |
CMR160206929 | LTD Unikomi | 01.12.2016 | ¢ | 484 | 50300000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment |
CMR160206928 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 25.11.2016 | ¢ | 474.50 | 39500000 - Textile articles |
CMR160205737 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 28.11.2016 | ¢ | 25 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR160205732 | Nikoloz Zarnadze | 26.11.2016 | ¢ | 2,000 | 03400000 - Forestry and logging products |
CMR160203031 | LTD Tegi | 18.11.2016 | ¢ | 249 | 39700000 - Domestic appliances |
CMR160203030 | Ana Magrakvelidze | 22.11.2016 | ¢ | 140 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR160194356 | Oazisi | 28.10.2016 | ¢ | 65.50 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR160178973 | Aleksandre Odikadze | 12.10.2016 | ¢ | 4,000 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR160176884 | ,,saba-1" | 30.09.2016 | ¢ | 1,000 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR160176878 | LTD Maipisi | 28.10.2016 | ¢ | 235 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR160165009 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 22.09.2016 | ¢ | 138.80 | 42100000 - Machinery for the production and use of mechanical power |
CMR160165002 | Qurashvili Iuri | 22.09.2016 | ¢ | 127.90 | 31300000 - Insulated wire and cable |
CMR160164992 | LTD Maipisi | 10.09.2016 | ¢ | 249.10 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR160161854 | Aleksandre Odikadze | 18.08.2016 | ¢ | 4,000 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR160153503 | Zurab Guramishvili | 16.08.2016 | ¢ | 4,995 | 45300000 - Building installation work |
CMR160145705 | Marji-2008 | 09.08.2016 | ¢ | 4,995 | 45300000 - Building installation work |
CMR160140277 | LTD DaSole Proprietoreri | 27.07.2016 | ¢ | 35.30 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR160140257 | ,,saba-1" | 22.07.2016 | ¢ | 350 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR160117556 | LTD Chveni Skola | 06.06.2016 | ¢ | 836 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR160117605 | LTD Sole Proprietoreretis Sakhandzro Datsva | 01.06.2016 | ¢ | 64 | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment |
CMR160101131 | LTD ,,gamomtsemloba Palitra L" | 28.04.2016 | ¢ | 143.80 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR160092342 | Qurashvili Iuri | 31.03.2016 | ¢ | 500 | 31300000 - Insulated wire and cable |
CMR160070400 | LTD Edesi Jgupi | 04.03.2016 | ¢ | 168.08 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR160048589 | LTD Unikomi | 01.02.2016 | ¢ | 3,000 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR160048540 | Oazisi | 29.01.2016 | ¢ | 500 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR160048530 | Nona Vakhtangadze | 29.01.2016 | ¢ | 1,500 | 42100000 - Machinery for the production and use of mechanical power |
CMR160048573 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 22.01.2016 | ¢ | 150 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR160048509 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 05.01.2016 | ¢ | 68 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR160048566 | LTD Saganmanatleblo Sakonsultatsio Jgupi | 04.01.2016 | ¢ | 1,200 | 75100000 - Administration services |
CMR150230106 | Elva.ji | 22.12.2015 | ¢ | 215.10 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR150230103 | Ganatlebis Martvis Sainpormatsio Sistema | 01.01.2016 | ¢ | 2,280 | 72500000 - Computer-related services |
CMR150230100 | LTD Zhurnali Gantiadi | 04.12.2015 | ¢ | 72 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR150230114 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 23.10.2015 | ¢ | 75 | 90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services |
CMR150230111 | LTD Spektri | 25.12.2015 | ¢ | 4,807 | 45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work |
CMR150209070 | ,,saba-1" | 20.11.2015 | ¢ | 350 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR150209069 | Varlami Jikia | 14.11.2015 | ¢ | 500 | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items |
CMR150209065 | Gocha Paksashvili | 30.10.2015 | ¢ | 1,600 | 77200000 - Forestry services |
CMR150195526 | LTD Unikomi | 04.01.2015 | ¢ | 3,500 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR150184586 | LTD DaSole Proprietoreri | 04.01.2015 | ¢ | 1,800 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR150170234 | LTD Chveni Skola | 25.09.2015 | ¢ | 99 | 22800000 - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery |
CMR150170235 | LTD Saganmanatleblo Sakonsultatsio Jgupi | 22.09.2015 | ¢ | 525 | 75100000 - Administration services |
CMR150170233 | Aleksandre Odikadze | 29.08.2015 | ¢ | 4,200 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR150170232 | LTD Spektri | 29.08.2015 | ¢ | 4,997 | 45400000 - Building completion work |
CMR150170231 | ,,saba-1" | 07.08.2015 | ¢ | 350 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR150170236 | LTD Sole Proprietoreretis Sakhandzro Datsva | 01.06.2015 | ¢ | 70 | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment |
CMR150170230 | LTD Mvm | 01.04.2015 | ¢ | 4,889 | 44200000 - Structural products |
CMR150170229 | ,,saba-1" | 26.02.2015 | ¢ | 300 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR150170228 | LTD Bakur Sulakauris Gamomtsemloba | 23.02.2015 | ¢ | 211.94 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR150172647 | Jeoseli | 01.02.2015 | ¢ | 360 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |
CMR150209073 | LTD "sakartvelos Posta" | 22.01.2015 | ¢ | 100 | 64100000 - Post and courier services |
CMR150169434 | Oazisi | 03.01.2015 | ¢ | 500 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR150169433 | Julieta Sopromadze | 03.01.2015 | ¢ | 500 | 15800000 - Miscellaneous food products |
CMR150170237 | Ind. Metsarme Zaal Turkadze | 03.01.2015 | ¢ | 1,000 | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items |
CMR150170238 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 27.01.2015 | ¢ | 150 | 24400000 - Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds |
CMR150016398 | Ind. Metsarme Zaal Turkadze | 03.01.2014 | ¢ | 1,000 | 44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs |
CMR150016358 | LTD Unikomi | 04.01.2014 | ¢ | 4,000 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR150016354 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 04.01.2014 | ¢ | 60 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR150016352 | Momavaltatvis | 03.01.2014 | ¢ | 1,800 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR150016342 | Ganatlebis Martvis Sainpormatsio Sistema | 03.01.2014 | ¢ | 2,280 | 72500000 - Computer-related services |
CMR150016331 | Magtikomi | 01.05.2013 | ¢ | 95.96 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |
CMR150016329 | Ss Energo - Pro Jorjia | 01.01.2014 | ¢ | 269.47 | 09300000 - Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy |
CMR150170227 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 05.01.2015 | ¢ | 60 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR150170239 | Ganatlebis Martvis Sainpormatsio Sistema | 01.01.2015 | ¢ | 2,280 | 72500000 - Computer-related services |
CMR150016496 | Khatuna Kirkitadze | 15.12.2014 | ¢ | 116.95 | 15800000 - Miscellaneous food products |
CMR150016489 | LTD Tsignis Sadistributsio Kompania | 10.12.2014 | ¢ | 464.50 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR150016482 | Giga Grigalashvili | 07.11.2014 | ¢ | 1,274 | 03400000 - Forestry and logging products |
CMR150016479 | Koba Kiknadze | 01.11.2014 | ¢ | 510 | 22300000 - Postcards, greeting cards and other printed matter |
CMR150016473 | Pinansta Saministros Akademia | 29.10.2014 | ¢ | 211 | 80500000 - Training services |
CMR150016470 | ,,saba-1" | 16.10.2014 | ¢ | 400 | 71300000 - Engineering services |
CMR150016469 | LTD Bakur Sulakauris Gamomtsemloba | 08.10.2014 | ¢ | 223.54 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR150016467 | LTD Chveni Skola | 22.10.2014 | ¢ | 323 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR150016497 | LTD Terjolis Propdezinpektsia | 01.10.2014 | ¢ | 75 | 24400000 - Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds |
CMR150016453 | LTD DaSole Proprietoreri | 01.10.2014 | ¢ | 207.99 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR150016448 | Oazisi | 01.09.2014 | ¢ | 105 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR150016441 | Tariel Jiadze | 04.06.2014 | ¢ | 91 | 22300000 - Postcards, greeting cards and other printed matter |
CMR150016438 | LTD Taia | 06.05.2014 | ¢ | 2,000 | 39500000 - Textile articles |
CMR150016424 | Jeoseli | 17.03.2014 | ¢ | 700 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |
CMR150016419 | Diana Jankhoteli | 01.03.2014 | ¢ | 120 | 19200000 - Textile fabrics and related items |
CMR150016416 | LTD "orgservisi" | 20.02.2014 | ¢ | 700 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR150016410 | LTD "sakartvelos Posta" | 14.02.2014 | ¢ | 24.70 | 64100000 - Post and courier services |
CMR150016405 | Jenerali | 01.02.2014 | ¢ | 200 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR150016403 | Individualuri Metsarme Giorgi Kochiashvili | 03.01.2014 | ¢ | 800 | 31700000 - Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies |
CMR140039186 | Sajaro Samartlis Iuridiuli Piri -sakartvelos Sakanonmdeblo Matsne | 01.12.2013 | ¢ | 40 | 72400000 - Internet services |
CMR140034004 | LTD Cholaburi | 15.08.2013 | ¢ | 675 | 14200000 - Sand and clay |
CMR140033998 | LTD Progres-jorjia | 01.07.2013 | ¢ | 274 | 24200000 - Dyes and pigments |
CMR140033990 | LTD GT Group | 01.06.2013 | ¢ | 210 | 14300000 - Chemical and fertiliser minerals |
CMR140033982 | Tariel Jiadze | 01.05.2013 | ¢ | 200 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR140033973 | Oazisi | 01.04.2013 | ¢ | 407 | 37400000 - Sports goods and equipment |
CMR140033953 | Magtikomi | 01.05.2013 | ¢ | 360 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |
CMR140033946 | Jumberi Gvelesiani | 19.04.2013 | ¢ | 1,866 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR140033940 | Giorgi Latsabidze | 13.04.2013 | ¢ | 30 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR140033931 | LTD Lelo | 01.04.2013 | ¢ | 346.90 | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items |
CMR140033926 | LTD Tqupebi | 01.04.2013 | ¢ | 1,488 | 45300000 - Building installation work |
CMR140033920 | LTD Glisada | 01.03.2013 | ¢ | 45 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR140033915 | Mediko Apridonidze | 01.03.2013 | ¢ | 29 | 43300000 - Construction machinery and equipment |
CMR140033912 | LTD "sakartvelos Posta" | 19.02.2013 | ¢ | 479.88 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR140033904 | Individualuri Metsarme Giorgi Kochiashvili | 12.01.2013 | ¢ | 310 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |
CMR140033900 | Ind. Metsarme Zaal Turkadze | 12.01.2013 | ¢ | 1,060.30 | 43300000 - Construction machinery and equipment |
CMR140033896 | LTD "sakartvelos Posta" | 28.01.2013 | ¢ | 41.10 | 64100000 - Post and courier services |
CMR140033866 | Shakro Giorgadze | 07.01.2013 | ¢ | 42 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR140033845 | LTD Unikomi | 05.01.2013 | ¢ | 4,000 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR140033832 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 04.01.2013 | ¢ | 52 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR140034038 | Otari Goglichidze | 20.11.2013 | ¢ | 662 | 44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs |
CMR140034034 | LTD "orgservisi" | 20.11.2013 | ¢ | 131.10 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR140034030 | Aleksandre Odikadze | 20.09.2013 | ¢ | 3,097 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR140034025 | Aleksandre Tavadze | 01.11.2013 | ¢ | 801 | 39700000 - Domestic appliances |
CMR140034019 | Gocha Paksashvili | 01.10.2013 | ¢ | 1,005 | 03400000 - Forestry and logging products |
CMR140034009 | Sole Proprietor ,,naili Tsertsvadze | 02.09.2013 | ¢ | 107 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR140033818 | LTD Ganatlebis Eksperti | 03.01.2013 | ¢ | 1,200 | 79100000 - Legal services |
CMR140033800 | Momavaltatvis | 03.01.2013 | ¢ | 800 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR130027649 | Momavaltatvis | 01.04.2012 | ¢ | 800 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR130027602 | Kakhaberi Gvetadze | 24.03.2012 | ¢ | 80 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR130027932 | Zviad Lomidze | 16.10.2012 | ¢ | 660 | 03400000 - Forestry and logging products |
CMR130027050 | LTD "sakartvelos Posta" | 29.02.2012 | ¢ | 30 | 64100000 - Post and courier services |
CMR130026819 | LTD Unikomi | 05.01.2012 | ¢ | 4,000 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR130027897 | LTD Vepkhvi-2010 | 31.08.2012 | ¢ | 1,500 | 44800000 - Paints, varnishes and mastics |
CMR130027020 | Mvp | 21.02.2012 | ¢ | 279 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR130027542 | Nino Kurtanidze | 01.10.2011 | ¢ | 165 | 18500000 - Jewellery, watches and related articles |
CMR130026991 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 04.01.2012 | ¢ | 50.70 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR130027854 | Aleksandre Odikadze | 20.08.2012 | ¢ | 5,000 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR130026976 | LTD Aldarema | 15.01.2012 | ¢ | 1,500 | 09300000 - Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy |
CMR130027814 | LTD Zhurnali Gantiadi | 01.08.2012 | ¢ | 72 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR130026957 | Rusudan Zarnadze | 03.01.2012 | ¢ | 62 | 22800000 - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery |
CMR130027786 | Tariel Jiadze | 18.07.2012 | ¢ | 78 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR130026947 | Ind. Metsarme Zaal Turkadze | 03.01.2012 | ¢ | 1,000 | 44500000 - Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs |
CMR130026924 | Shakro Giorgadze | 03.01.2012 | ¢ | 500 | 72500000 - Computer-related services |
CMR130027756 | LTD Oazisi | 01.05.2012 | ¢ | 220 | 18900000 - Luggage, saddlery, sacks and bags |
CMR130026908 | Individualuri Metsarme Giorgi Kochiashvili | 03.01.2012 | ¢ | 800 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |
CMR130027685 | Julieta Sopromadze | 01.05.2012 | ¢ | 200 | 18500000 - Jewellery, watches and related articles |
CMR130027511 | LTD "sakartvelos Posta" | 29.02.2012 | ¢ | 1,800 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR130026883 | LEPL - Ganatlebis Khariskhis Ganvitarebis Erovnuli Tsentri | 30.12.2011 | ¢ | 1,200 | 75200000 - Provision of services to the community |
CMR120091984 | LTD Da-kapo | 01.06.2011 | ¢ | 630 | 39100000 - Furniture |
CMR120089322 | Mvp | 12.09.2011 | ¢ | 138.40 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR120086816 | Zogadi Auditori Avtandil Berishvili | 01.01.2011 | ¢ | 83 | 66100000 - Banking and investment services |
CMR120091672 | Sole Proprietor Akaki Gumberidze | 01.09.2011 | ¢ | 500 | 39200000 - Furnishing |
CMR120089063 | LEPL - Ganatlebis Khariskhis Ganvitarebis Erovnuli Tsentri | 01.07.2011 | ¢ | 600 | 75200000 - Provision of services to the community |
CMR120089564 | LTD Unikomi | 01.11.2011 | ¢ | 1,853 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR120088154 | Aleksandre Tavadze | 11.11.2011 | ¢ | 790 | 39700000 - Domestic appliances |
CMR120086998 | LTD Akhali Ganatleba | 27.12.2010 | ¢ | 40 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR120092192 | Kakhaberi Gvetadze | 01.03.2011 | ¢ | 40 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR120086038 | Shakro Giorgadze | 03.01.2011 | ¢ | 374 | 72500000 - Computer-related services |
CMR120086529 | LTD "orgservisi" | 24.02.2011 | ¢ | 328.40 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR120087247 | LTD Gamomtsemloba Mogzauri | 28.06.2011 | ¢ | 30 | 22200000 - Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines |
CMR120089783 | LTD "temo 93" | 01.10.2011 | ¢ | 45 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR120088633 | Gulnazi Gulbani | 08.12.2011 | ¢ | 438 | 39500000 - Textile articles |
CMR120089218 | Mediko Apridonidze | 07.01.2011 | ¢ | 100 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR120091868 | Davit Chubinidze | 04.01.2011 | ¢ | 448.50 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR120087533 | Neo Teknoloji | 25.04.2011 | ¢ | 485 | 30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies |
CMR120088359 | Zviad Lomidze | 01.12.2011 | ¢ | 750 | 39200000 - Furnishing |
CMR120089461 | Giorgi Tsuladze | 03.10.2011 | ¢ | 185 | 32500000 - Telecommunications equipment and supplies |
CMR120091554 | MAPANET | 25.12.2011 | ¢ | 150 | 79200000 - Accounting, auditing and fiscal services |
CMR120086215 | Sole Proprietor ,,naili Tsertsvadze | 03.01.2011 | ¢ | 123.50 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR120085706 | Rusudan Zarnadze | 03.01.2011 | ¢ | 129.20 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR120086660 | Ind. Metsarme Zaal Turkadze | 03.01.2011 | ¢ | 449.50 | 44200000 - Structural products |
CMR120088037 | LTD Vepkhvi-2010 | 29.08.2011 | ¢ | 610 | 44100000 - Construction materials and associated items |
CMR120089667 | Tariel Jiadze | 11.11.2011 | ¢ | 352 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR120087756 | Magtikomi | 10.07.2011 | ¢ | 155 | 32500000 - Telecommunications equipment and supplies |
CMR120088505 | LTD Tsiskari | 01.07.2011 | ¢ | 40 | 22100000 - Printed books, brochures and leaflets |
CMR120087135 | Individualuri Metsarme Giorgi Kochiashvili | 03.01.2011 | ¢ | 460 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |
CMR120088812 | LTD "Sole Proprietorereti" | 01.06.2011 | ¢ | 560 | 35100000 - Emergency and security equipment |
Consolidated purchases

CMR Code | Supplier | Contract Date | ვალუტა | Contract Value | შესყიდვის საგანი |
CON220000357-00337 | LTD Pensan Jorjia | 27.02.2023 | ¢ | 327 | 30197630 - Printing paper |
CON220000397-01217 | Silkneti | 01.01.2023 | ¢ | 360 | 64212000 - Mobile-telephone services |
CMR180071448 | Jeoseli | 01.03.2018 | ¢ | 360 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |
CMR180071432 | LTD Pensan Jorjia | 16.01.2018 | ¢ | 165 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR170109044 | Jeoseli | 01.04.2017 | ¢ | 360 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |
CMR160070411 | LTD Edesi Jgupi | 04.03.2016 | ¢ | 65.50 | 30100000 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture |
CMR160063078 | Jeoseli | 01.02.2016 | ¢ | 360 | 64200000 - Telecommunications services |